Monday 6 July 2020

S24 Ep.16: The Inventor's Spectacular Bridge


Written by
David Stoten

Directed by
Dianna Basso

Produced by
Tracy Blagdon (Jam Filled)
Ian McCue (HIT/Mattel)

When the Rickety Old Bridge collapses, trapping Toby and Henrietta on the other side of the ravine, Inventor Ruth is asked to build a new one.

Air Date
6/07/20 - AUS

Honestly, I can see why some people might not like Toby's current persona in this episode. But that is the surface level. When you look at it a closer you can understand why. I mean as ridiculous as the S5 episode was and with S6's 'Toby Had A Little Lamb', although not like S5's episode, you can understand why Toby has a fear of the bridge. It's like the Fat Controller's appearance in Lost Treasure, he may've been hard on Thomas on the surface but when you look at it, he's the controller of the railway and was dealing with many other things alongside. So I'm pretty much OK with Toby's personality in this episode. 

As for the episode, yeah this was made to be an obvivous toy commerical since there'll be a set based on this episode. Although why have Thomas on it when Toby could've been better option but I think Thomas sells more in a train set, despite parents having to buy multiple Thomas' all the time. But for some reason it didn't feel like it was ramming down the throat, at least to me. Probably Mattel gave them the idea and David Stoten took a more creative approach at utilising the idea to make an integeral part of the story. I think it was a good move made by him and we'd come a long way from that dreadful shake-shake bridge from the island of misfit engines ten years ago which had a bridge set but was not utilised well in my opinion.

This was a very good episode although I hope we get an episode of Toby overcoming his fear of bridges one day, whenever this hiatus comes to an end.

Series Ratings (So far):
A New Arrival - 7/10
World of Tomorrow - 7/10
Thomas and the Royal Engine - 9/10
Emily's Best Friend - 7/10
Thomas' Fuzzy Friend - 8/10
The Great Little Railway Show - 9/10
Thomas and The Forest Engines - 5/10
Emily to the Rescue - 4/10
Shankar's Makeover - 8/10
Nia and The Unfriendly Elephant - 9/10
James the Super Engine - 7/10
Thomas' Not-So-Lucky Day - 7/10
Ace's Brave Jump - 5/10
Sonny's Second Chance - 9/10
Thomas and the Inventor's Workshop - 8/10
The Inventor's Spectacular Bridge - 9/10

Overall Rating (So far):