Sunday 4 August 2024

All Engines Go! Review - S3 Ep.18 - Bruno's Blustery Day


Written by
Daniel Share-Storm

Directed by
Campbell Bryer 

Produced by
Suzie Gallo

Air Date
18/05/24 - CAN
19/09/24 - US

Bruno and the engines team up to complete an urgent delivery in windy weather.

One interesting thing about this episode was its inspiration from the writer himself, I suggest giving it a read. From reading it all and seeing the episode I love how it shows Bruno struggling asking for help, especially with Executive Functioning which is something that I'd learnt from reading his backstory. This really increases the representation for people on the spectrum through Bruno and I loved it and while I much prefer the message of the story not telling us the message and rather showing it, it didn't diminish my interest in it at all. 

I would've criticised how Bruno has the power to move himself as a consistency problem like with the many other inconsistencies the show had but with Bruno asking for help to be pushed down Canonball Curve to save Diesel adds purpose to the message of the story and that works unlike some of the other episodes that makes an inconsistency for the sake of plot when really it wouldn't even matter like Thomas, Kana and Diesel trying to save Percy in the previous episode or Thomas said that he couldn't plough through field or swim despite that we've seen him and his friends doing that multiple times.

It's nice that we got to see Bruno with some character development as well when it comes to the subject matter too. I also love Bruno's shed and thanks to Daniel's backstory of the episode, I'd learnt that the hexagons on walls was to block noise from outside the shed, very clever addition since Bruno is representing children on the spectrum. I don't have any other big problem with the episode. It was a nice episode and it's great that we finally got a Bruno episode this season. This would have to be the highest rated episode so far for me.

Series Rating:
What's the Buzz - 4.5/10
Bells are Ringing - 4/10
Abraca-Diesel - 2/10
Overcommitted - 2.5/10
Sandy's Fine Mess - 4/10
Nia's Green Surprise - 3/10
Duck Duck Whoosh! - 1/10
Choo-Choo Check In - 5/10
Percy's Little Problem - 3/10
Fill-In Friend - 4/10
Cake It Easy - 1/10
The Can-Do Crew - 6/10
Pizza Picnic Problem - 3/10
Travels With Terence - 2/10
Crab Crossing - 1/10
Driving Winston - 6/10
The Slowest Race in the World - 2/10
Bruno's Blustery Day - 9/10

Overall Rating (So far):