Monday 5 August 2024

All Engines Go! Review - S3 Ep.19 - Night Lights


Written by
Andy Yerks

Directed by
Campbell Bryer 

Produced by
Suzie Gallo

Air Date
25/05/24 - CAN
19/09/24 - US

Thomas & Nia's light play comes to James' rescuse in the dark 

It's actually refereshing that we finally have an AEG episode that's not focused on Thomas, Nia, Percy, Kana or Diesel all the time. James was actually the most entertaining character in this episode since he act so much like his original series counterpart with his boastful nature along with his impatiences and annoyance so credit to Andy Yerks for doing that and also James' annoyance towards Thomas in this episode when it comes to the lights he was wearing feels relevant to me since even, quite obviously, I can't stand the characterisation of Thomas in this show overall. Edward could've taken Gordon's place since those two had much better chemistry together but I don't think Mattel wants to have an engine that they don't see as something profitable.

The song was, as usual, pointless filler that could be filled with James going into different directions, it would be repetitive but it would at least add something to the story when it comes to James' old lamp acting funny and James realising his own stupidity, yes we had that in the episode but progression would've been nice to see James' growth instead of Thomas and Nia singing a song about playing at night where it adds nothing to the story. 

However, despite the usual AEG tripe that the writers have to come up with, the episode itself wasn't that bad. I do like James in this episode and is little progression towards Thomas and Nia and I think if you remove the typical AEG stuff, it could be one of those stories that could work in the original series. 

I think it's good that AEG adds in some variety for a change but it's a shame that, very likely, it would be once in a blue moon because Mattel thinks people want to have a restricted cast with episode ideas that are almost the same instead of variety, just like this show's merchandise line. 

Series Rating:
What's the Buzz - 4.5/10
Bells are Ringing - 4/10
Abraca-Diesel - 2/10
Overcommitted - 2.5/10
Sandy's Fine Mess - 4/10
Nia's Green Surprise - 3/10
Duck Duck Whoosh! - 1/10
Choo-Choo Check In - 5/10
Percy's Little Problem - 3/10
Fill-In Friend - 4/10
Cake It Easy - 1/10
The Can-Do Crew - 6/10
Pizza Picnic Problem - 3/10
Travels With Terence - 2/10
Crab Crossing - 1/10
Driving Winston - 6/10
The Slowest Race in the World - 2/10
Bruno's Blustery Day - 9/10
Night Lights - 7/10

Overall Rating (So far):