Saturday 3 August 2024

All Engines Go! Review - S3 Ep.17 - The Slowest Race in the World



Written by
Noelle Wright

Directed by
Campbell Bryer 

Produced by
Suzie Gallo

Air Date
18/05/24 - CAN
19/09/24 - US

Thomas, Kana and Diesel "race" to see who can go the slowest.

One positive I'm glad to see from this episode was that Bruno was in it and had some importance to the story like he did in the Pizza episode. But it is still a shame how underutilise he is during this season despite the big push that Mattel had made last season for him. So it's good to see him again. As for the episode I really don't know what they were going with? Throughout most of the episode Thomas, Kana and Diesel with Bruno were trying to slow down for the race but by the time they got to the climax to rescue Percy for being a runaway or else he could go off the rails, despite having the power to jump around, the message that they were saying 'it's good to go slow' despite the fact they never had a problem to the idea, that they thought of, to begin with!

Why not have Thomas and Kana liking the idea, not Diesel because he would drive the conflict, but later realise that it's more fun to go fast in a race because it's a challenge, making Diesel right. Perhaps Thomas and Kana realised that when they all came into Vicarstown together making it a tie. Maybe earlier in the episode have Diesel being frustrated that Kana always kept winning which would drive the conflict with him not liking the idea of a slow race and tries to go fast in places along the route but Thomas and Kana were preffering their way. 

Sure it would repetitive but it's better than this bland story in my opinion. Giving the characters some conflict can help drive the story in a much more interesting and entertaining way. The song was meh and it kind of spoils the outcome of the whole story as well but at the same time, they didn't need to add the song to begin with, thank god we didn't have it on repeat at the end. 

Series Rating:
What's the Buzz - 4.5/10
Bells are Ringing - 4/10
Abraca-Diesel - 2/10
Overcommitted - 2.5/10
Sandy's Fine Mess - 4/10
Nia's Green Surprise - 3/10
Duck Duck Whoosh! - 1/10
Choo-Choo Check In - 5/10
Percy's Little Problem - 3/10
Fill-In Friend - 4/10
Cake It Easy - 1/10
The Can-Do Crew - 6/10
Pizza Picnic Problem - 3/10
Travels With Terence - 2/10
Crab Crossing - 1/10
Driving Winston - 6/10
The Slowest Race in the World - 2/10

Overall Rating (So far):