Tracy Nicoletti
Directed by
Campbell Bryer
Produced by
Suzie Gallo
Air Date
7/02/25 - UK
When Diesel is tasked with chauffeuring a prize-winning cow to a competition, he makes an unlikely friend and shows her that there's more to life than winning.
This episode was OK with its message and while I think Diesel giving Princess some fun as he was giving her a tour of the Island was fine too, I think it would've been nice and fresh that we at least have one of the humans to speak apart from the Fat Controller. Like the whole episode could still work with say a celebrity or a royal personage or a mayor or even an important engine, Flying Scotsman is canon to the show after a mention from Toby in 'The Super Axle' from S2 so why not have him? Perhaps he could be there for a railway competition for best engine or something. I also think maybe the conflict might've been better if Princess ran away from Diesel and the others because she doesn't want to be part of the show and he, Thomas and Percy went out looking for her and they learn to understand her feelings.
Perhaps earlier in the story Diesel was ignored her sorrow because he wasn't understanding her feelings as he was giving her a tour of the Island and tries to get to Vicarstown on time. Perhaps to help with her running away maybe Diesel sprung a leak from his fuel tank and have to wait for Sandy to fix him which would be good have Princess running away and try to find some fun herself and that is when we have our wild goose chase. Maybe if it were a human or a special engine they have an excuse so they can get away from Diesel. I think that while this episode was OK it could've been better at the same time. The gag of the kid going 'yay' though was more annoying than funny in my opinion. It's a nitpick but this show's way of comedy is just bad.
Series Rating (So far):
Sheep Stampede - 6/10
The Berry Best - 3/10
Creepy Crawly Courage - 3/10
Windmill Woes - 2/10
Quacking Quandary - 1/10
The Stinking Delivery - 3/10
Don't Train on My Parade - 4/10
Shiny Spiffy Sandy - 3/10
Diesel's Bad Day - 4/10
Moo-Ving Friendship - 4.5/10
Overall Rating (So far):