Wednesday, 26 February 2025

All Engines Go! Review - S4 Ep.13 - Baaa-tatsrophe! 900th Post!!


Written by
Kristen McGregor

Directed by
Campbell Bryer 

Produced by
Suzie Gallo

Air Date
12/02/25 - UK

When Thomas' delivery of sheep goes badly, he worries that Annie and Clarabel will think he is not good at his job.

It's honestly nice to see Thomas pulling his two coaches again probably since the first season of the show? And it's quite refreshing, at least for a little bit, to see Thomas pulling passengers instead of another delivery for once as well as acting like what engine is suppose to do deliver passengers as well as goods whereas in episodes before this it was always a 'delivery of the day' kind of thing. I will say after watching through all of this first of S4 we FINALLY had a decent episode that has conflict with Thomas trying and failing each time with the sheep, yes it's a repeatable three strike formula but it works for the plot to fill in time despite the bad sheep puns and annoying sheep gags. 

The song was refreshing too because the music was different in comparison to the modern Radio Disney style of music but it didn't need to be there because like the typical AEG episode, Annie and Clarabel had already stated the moral earlier so there's no need to hammer it down. I also like how the Fat Controller embrace the colour pink, bringing down the stereotype that it's just exclusive to boys, very nice touch. So yes a decent closer to what is sadly, so far, a horrible season.

Series Rating (So far):
Sheep Stampede - 6/10
The Berry Best - 3/10
Creepy Crawly Courage - 3/10
Windmill Woes - 2/10
Quacking Quandary - 1/10
The Stinking Delivery - 3/10
Don't Train on My Parade - 4/10
Shiny Spiffy Sandy - 3/10
Diesel's Bad Day - 4/10
Moo-Ving Friendship - 4.5/10
Art Engines Go - 1/10
Lightening the Load - 1/10
Baaa-tatsrophie! - 5.5/10

Overall Rating (So far): 

So that is all of S4A and my god this is bad. My expectation was little for this season but my god this first half of the season was just awful to sit through. If I have to sum up this half of the season it's slop. 

We at least had decent opening episode and then it fell and forgot how to stand up afterwards as the episodes were just bad with it consistency, boring outcomes, lack of respecting its character development and formulaic storytelling. If this is likely the very last season of the show then wow they weren't even trying to make it feel like a finale or least entertaining. 

While reviewing these episodes during the show's UK airing, I was sitting through S22 of 'Big World, Big Adventures', that'll be coming out in early March, on Amazon Prime Australia and this might shock everyone but despite the problems of that iteration of the show, writing wise, it was miles better than what AEG tried to do. 

You might not agree with me on this but the international characters such Hong-Mei, Shane, Rajiv and all have character, despite being little in those episodes and at least that iteration of the show had done something that AEG would never be good at, variety! It knows how write entertaining stories such as Thomas being scared by the idea of a dragon while celebrating Lunar New Year, Thomas and Hong-Mei racing, yes I know there were plenty of Thomas and Diesel ones in AEG but unlike them BWBA offers more than just that, an Elephant pushing Thomas back onto the line. They had much better conflict than AEG's attempt. Oh Kana was trying to make another painting and was told to look for inspiration that got resolved too quickly? Well OK, I would rather sit through the idea of Thomas going down the wrong track in the middle of the Australian outback because he was too proud to admit he was wrong. Something that was built up from taking Shane's train to him making up facts and all about the Australian outback. 

Hell I'll take 'Apology Impossible' over any AEG episode, even if James' persona was highly flanderised. At least it was entertaining and ironically more memorable than whatever episode had aired here. I mean some people are still talking about it for nearly a decade! And yet some have been saying to critics to get over their AEG hate. 

It's strange how Mattel thinks this would make Thomas better with its toy sales and while there had been good numbers in their quarterly reports it didn't last too long and of course as I'd said in previous posts, here in Australia, the places that I'd been I had hardly seen much demand for toys. Not even the NSW Rail Museum at Thirlmere had much last time I'd visited in late 2024 and they would usually have more than any of the big chain stores (i.e - Big W, Kmart, Target, Myer etc.) even during my visits to the United States I had hardly seen much Thomas toys of the show either. 

However I am excited for the 80th anniversary items that Mattel had announced to be released and I was surprised to see that most of the toys we're seeing are more akin to the original look of Thomas, as it should be, that he was seen in the later CGI era such as the die-cast toy as part of their ruby collection, the Train-Sim 5 collaboration, the minis with Reginald Payne's painting of Thomas on the side tanks and, even though they hadn't officially announced it just yet, the redesigned Motorised Thomas that shares the same SKU code as the AEG Thomas, very likely it's going to replace it. Not to mention Japan's release of the Railway Series Thomas the Tank Engine that would come out next month, Dalby face and all. 

We had not seen, as of writing this post in February, any new AEG toy for the west apart from Duck and Douglas and we already knew about these characters since last year and they weren't part of the 80th anniversary line up. While I am excited to see what Mattel would release for Thomas' 80th anniversary, I believe they won't, sadly, market it very well as usual.

While we await for the second half of this season, watchout for my CGI re-review of S22 coming out March 3rd. 

Tuesday, 25 February 2025

All Engines Go! Review - S4 Ep.12 - Lightening the Load


Written by
Johnathan Hernandez

Directed by
Campbell Bryer 

Produced by
Suzie Gallo

Air Date
11/02/25 - UK

On a hectic day, Nia volunteers to deliver a missed shipment of a new light for the lighthouse. But she soon finds herself too embarrassed to admit the delivery has been anything but light.

This might be hard for some to believe but despite Nia being heavily underutilised in BWBA thanks to Mattel not giving the show a fair chance to improve itself to make itself better because one network that aired it in the US was bad at showing it, but Nia was at least given some character in the episode 'Counting on Nia' where she didn't want to admit that she doesn't know what numbers look like and was worried that the other engines might find her silly because of it making her have some confidence issues. Sure more could've been done to enhance it but at least the episode did something because this episode, despite its published synopsis, really didn't show Nia embarrassed to admit that the delivery was heavy. Sure she struggled for a bit and that could've been good set up for her character to be stubborn and overconfident but no Bulstrode and Cranky told her to get to the lighthouse and that's it. They didn't bother telling her that she needs help and Nia didn't bother to showcase any other character to at least make her interesting or relevant.

You could at least have the other engines offering to help her and have her refusing their help because she can get this over the hill 'easy', despite she was really struggling. Maybe the reason she's like that because she saw the other engines doing their jobs better with their heavy loads and she wants to do the same. 

But it sure as hell was not showing here before Nia and Kana were telling the moral of the story. Nia was struggling up the hill but that was it. She was not being overconfident or stubborn. I'm really not seeing anything different with Nia that some people had been saying in comparison to her original series self. All I know is that she has an interest in music and that's it. I don't see much flaws in her to make her relevant and neither in previous episodes from seasons past. All that I see is a generic, boring character. Say what you want about Nia in BWBA but at least she had a flaw as seen in S22 no matter how hard you're shaking your head in disagreement, try watching the episode without much resentment for once. They could've at least taken that element for this episode but no who needs entertaining characters when boring, generic, goodie goodie characters, who hammer down the moral through dialogue because they can't trust there audience getting it themselves, are what this show needs. 

But hey at least they'd made a actual mystery of the spilt chicken feed and the bump on the track instead of showing us what had happened, unlike 'Windmill Woes', but aside from that, this is another bad episode. 

We are getting close to the end of this first half and man I have not seen any episode from this season that is actually good. We had a decent opener and then after that we had episodes that could've been better but were really either meh or down right bad. This is not making me look forward to the second half of the season that would air later on in the year. But so far this is probably the worst season of AEG. 

Series Rating (So far):
Sheep Stampede - 6/10
The Berry Best - 3/10
Creepy Crawly Courage - 3/10
Windmill Woes - 2/10
Quacking Quandary - 1/10
The Stinking Delivery - 3/10
Don't Train on My Parade - 4/10
Shiny Spiffy Sandy - 3/10
Diesel's Bad Day - 4/10
Moo-Ving Friendship - 4.5/10
Art Engines Go - 1/10
Lightening the Load - 1/10

Overall Rating (So far): 

Monday, 24 February 2025

All Engines Go! Review - S4 Ep.11 - Art Engines Go!


Written by
Sam Bissonnette

Directed by
Campbell Bryer 

Produced by
Suzie Gallo

Air Date
10/02/25 - UK

Kana delivers a beloved sculpture, inspiring her to make her own art. She soon learns that everyone sees art very differently.

While the episode's message is something I can stand by with, despite it being hammered down by the engines, I really don't like this episode unlike some people who had been praising it, even if Hiro made his first appearance in the show since 2021. It was too generic for my liking with its weak and almost lack of conflict to make Kana have some character. Why not have her not seeing things the way the other engines did by being very critical of their artwork? And not just in a constructive sort of way I mean in a very critical sort of way that it's almost mean because she sees herself as the better artist, some artists can be bigheaded. 

Yes it would make Kana look bad but we had episodes in the past where the engines get cross with each other at times, we had Kana calling Percy a 'bad friend' last year and we also had Thomas and Percy being cross with each other in 'Letting off Steam'. It would at least make her complex. Kana, from my memory of watching this show just doesn't have much character that she just comes off as generic and the only thing we get from her character was that she's fast and that's it. In fact most I don't think many of the main restricted cast had that much character that makes them interesting, engaging or relevant. Just bland, boring, goody good characters.

The conflict could enhance the whole moral that everyone see things differently while also everyone has the right to say something critical as along as it's constructive in order to see what might help with the artist. But also the artist might like what it looks likes no matter what which would give the other moral that it's OK not to take criticism to heart because art is always subjective. Sure there was conflict with Kana trying to find inspiration for her art but it was resolved too quickly that you don't even need it at all. It felt forced in because there needs to be conflict. 

The episode overall was boring. There wasn't much conflict, the engines were just too happy and it just could've been better without the need to hammer down the message of the story. Show don't tell isn't a thing for this iteration of the show isn't it? Do they not trust their audience's intelligence? 

 I will say it was nice seeing Hiro again but if you place Gordon there amongst the other engines it will all just be the same as Hiro's character in this show just reminds me of him. The only thing I can give some points to is that they finally acknowledged that Kana was from Japan. But other than that, this episode was bore with the engines just being too generically happy despite a pretty good moral to work with that is relevant. Though sadly some people in this fandom would get angry if they were being critical of or even praising AEG because they see it differently. I'm very critical of this show and, so far, this season but hey I just see things differently like this show was telling at the audience. 

Series Rating (So far):
Sheep Stampede - 6/10
The Berry Best - 3/10
Creepy Crawly Courage - 3/10
Windmill Woes - 2/10
Quacking Quandary - 1/10
The Stinking Delivery - 3/10
Don't Train on My Parade - 4/10
Shiny Spiffy Sandy - 3/10
Diesel's Bad Day - 4/10
Moo-Ving Friendship - 4.5/10
Art Engines Go - 1/10

Overall Rating (So far): 

Sunday, 23 February 2025

All Engines Go! Review - S4 Ep.10 - Moo-ving Friendship


Written by
Tracy Nicoletti

Directed by
Campbell Bryer 

Produced by
Suzie Gallo

Air Date
7/02/25 - UK

When Diesel is tasked with chauffeuring a prize-winning cow to a competition, he makes an unlikely friend and shows her that there's more to life than winning.

This episode was OK with its message and while I think Diesel giving Princess some fun as he was giving her a tour of the Island was fine too, I think it would've been nice and fresh that we at least have one of the humans to speak apart from the Fat Controller. Like the whole episode could still work with say a celebrity or a royal personage or a mayor or even an important engine, Flying Scotsman is canon to the show after a mention from Toby in 'The Super Axle' from S2 so why not have him? Perhaps he could be there for a railway competition for best engine or something. I also think maybe the conflict might've been better if Princess ran away from Diesel and the others because she doesn't want to be part of the show and he, Thomas and Percy went out looking for her and they learn to understand her feelings. 

Perhaps earlier in the story Diesel was ignored her sorrow because he wasn't understanding her feelings as he was giving her a tour of the Island and tries to get to Vicarstown on time. Perhaps to help with her running away maybe Diesel sprung a leak from his fuel tank and have to wait for Sandy to fix him which would be good have Princess running away and try to find some fun herself and that is when we have our wild goose chase. Maybe if it were a human or a special engine they have an excuse so they can get away from Diesel. I think that while this episode was OK it could've been better at the same time. The gag of the kid going 'yay' though was more annoying than funny in my opinion. It's a nitpick but this show's way of comedy is just bad.  

Series Rating (So far):
Sheep Stampede - 6/10
The Berry Best - 3/10
Creepy Crawly Courage - 3/10
Windmill Woes - 2/10
Quacking Quandary - 1/10
The Stinking Delivery - 3/10
Don't Train on My Parade - 4/10
Shiny Spiffy Sandy - 3/10
Diesel's Bad Day - 4/10
Moo-Ving Friendship - 4.5/10

Overall Rating (So far): 

Saturday, 22 February 2025

All Engines Go! Review - S4 Ep.9 - Diesel's Bad Day


Written by
John Loy

Directed by
Campbell Bryer 

Produced by
Suzie Gallo

Air Date
6/02/25 - UK

When Diesel's bad behaviour threatens to ruin a big delivery, Bruno figures out why his friend is upset and how to help.

Just wondering what was the point of having Thomas when the episode could've worked just fine with just Diesel? Sure so he can take Bruno to Diesel after being uncoupled during his delivery runs as well as interacting with Thomas over what's the matter with Diesel. But this show had shown that the rollingstock like Annie, Clarabel and the troublesome trucks can move by themselves as well as Bruno, heck during this episode we've see him having the ability of jumping around by himself. You can have Bruno talking to himself or interacting with passing engines that are not Thomas and worry about Diesel all on his own and you can still have the same outcome with him realising that Diesel was upset because he squashed his oil can 'Rusty'. 

As for the episode it was alright despite using the three strike formula it works but it does get a bit annoying with Diesel messing up one delivery, Thomas and Bruno speaks and then go after Diesel again, rinse and repeat. While the moral message was not bad either I think it should've been more like that you should be more open towards your feeling, talk to your friends about it as they'll understand and that's a message that kids today should be learning because sadly some kids would grow thinking that showing your feelings can be seen as weak and cowardly which is wrong. The song however doesn't need to be in there to give off the message and the episode showcases that visually for the audience to know the outcome of it. The sequence of Thomas and Diesel cleaning up Diesel's mess can still work as a montage.

Series Rating (So far):
Sheep Stampede - 6/10
The Berry Best - 3/10
Creepy Crawly Courage - 3/10
Windmill Woes - 2/10
Quacking Quandary - 1/10
The Stinking Delivery - 3/10
Don't Train on My Parade - 4/10
Shiny Spiffy Sandy - 3/10
Diesel's Bad Day - 4/10

Overall Rating (So far): 

Friday, 21 February 2025

All Engines Go! Review - S4 Ep.8 - Shiny Spiffy Sandy


Written by
Crain Greenburg

Directed by
Campbell Bryer 

Produced by
Suzie Gallo

Air Date
5/02/25 - UK

After the engines decide to show their best-selves by staying clean and sparkling for the Tidmouth Sheds open house, they are confronted by a sinkhole ruining the tracks.

You know this episode could work better if was about Sandy trying to keep herself clean for the open house instead of just her and the others trying to fill in the sink hole. Having Sandy worried about being dirty can cause better conflict because she was worried about her appearance and not wanting to disappoint the Fat Controller for it. Perhaps she goes off to find another job that isn't all too dirty, kind of like 'Scruff's Makeover' from S17 and meanwhile the other engines have to make do without her but it wasn't very easy and they need to have Sandy because she has the tools to check things with. It would give off the moral that she should just be herself and not worry about being clean all the time and if she gets dirty again then she will always be cleaned again. That sounds like a much better and entertaining story than whatever this episode was trying to make. 

I understand that things like a sinkhole can stop an engine from moving but it's annoying at the same time because it still shows how inconsistent the show is with its logic. You can still have the engines taking passengers and goods with them rolling on the ground, they have the power to do it or build temporary tracks to go round it as well. You still have the same story and same conflict that the episode had. I still don't like the idea of Gordon being in charge of things when we have the Fat Controller in the past doing the same thing, another inconsistent problem of the show. It's like they have no idea what to do with these characters. It would be much better if it were Gordon being like the Fat Controller's servant giving out orders from the Fat Controller on his behalf. 

The episode could've been better if were about Sandy not wanting to get dirty but she should just be herself, you can still have her dirty in the end while the other engines are clean. Strange how we had another decent and already going back stinkers. 

Series Rating (So far):
Sheep Stampede - 6/10
The Berry Best - 3/10
Creepy Crawly Courage - 3/10
Windmill Woes - 2/10
Quacking Quandary - 1/10
The Stinking Delivery - 3/10
Don't Train on My Parade - 4/10
Shiny Spiffy Sandy - 3/10

Overall Rating (So far): 

Thursday, 20 February 2025

All Engines Go! Review - S4 Ep.7 - Don't Train on My Parade


Written by
Sam Bissonnette

Directed by
Campbell Bryer 

Produced by
Suzie Gallo

Air Date
4/02/25 - UK

When Sir Topham Hatt's springtime parade floral float is destroyed before delivery, Thomas and the engines find the spring in Sodor to save the parade.

While the episode has some usual things from this show, like Thomas doing something that results in an accident, at least it works plot wise despite the show lacking character development. Thomas' accident by taking a short cut and not paying attention to things just works to help destroy the float and to make it anew. Whereas Diesel's one in 'Quacking Quandary' could just work with Diesel trying his best to be brave and fight against his fear instead of being scared and lie to everyone that he wasn't which we've seen plenty of times before. While I don't think this episode is my favourite this season it was at least decent enough to be good unlike the last few episodes. 

Yes there is the typical rinse and repeat of characters messing things up and finding an alternative but that had purpose for the episode's message about starting up again. I'm never that much of a fan of the songs as I feel they're pretty unnecessary. They don't need to state the moral and the episode could still work without them. I could at least see the song sequence working just a montage instead but I know the songs have to be there because Mattel needs them for mandated digital albums, though so far we haven't got any announcement about it. Though when is Mattel ever good at telling people anything new about All Engines Go? As I was writing this post back on Feb 5th 2025, the official Thomas Instagram page hadn't posted anything since November 2024. As I said before, for a new marketing team that was brought in to help Thomas get better at toy sales they are doing a really poor job at doing it. That and Mattel's very bad distribution.

It's good that we got another decent episode though by all means it wasn't that great, I still think the first episode of this season was the more decent one. 
Series Rating (So far):
Sheep Stampede - 6/10
The Berry Best - 3/10
Creepy Crawly Courage - 3/10
Windmill Woes - 2/10
Quacking Quandary - 1/10
The Stinking Delivery - 3/10
Don't Train on My Parade - 4/10

Overall Rating (So far): 

Wednesday, 19 February 2025

All Engines Go! Review - S4 Ep.6 - The Stinking Delivery


Written by
Becky Wangberg & Sarah Eisenberg

Directed by
Campbell Bryer 

Produced by
Suzie Gallo

Air Date
3/02/25 - UK

None of the engines want to take a super stinky compost delivery, so they make a 'hide & stink' game. But after a spill, they must work together to deliver the smelly mess.

I felt that the 'Pie and Seek' game dragged on just so it can fill in time. Perhaps it would've been if Diesel had taken more than one wagon pf compost and tries to prove that he strong and that he could do the dirty work because Thomas and the others don't want to do it. Sure we've seen typical three strike episodes like that previously but I would take that instead of a dragged out scene of them playing their game, in my opinion I think 'Mud Tag' sounds better than 'Pie and Seek', to fill out the run time. 

At least with Diesel trying to prove himself would've been a better storyline than this thing. Though I would at least give the episode credit of not stating the team work moral as the audience is as dumb as a goldfish and just showed it instead. One of the rare cases of show don't tell in this iteration of the show. 

This episode was boring and could've been better. It's amazing we are just six episodes in of this new season with a decent season opener and then by episode 2 it started to sink rapidly like a sinking ship smeared with duct tape to keep it afloat. I know this aimed for kids but I think kids deserve better. I don't really have any high expectations for this season to be good but my god they should at least try to be good!

Series Rating (So far):
Sheep Stampede - 6/10
The Berry Best - 3/10
Creepy Crawly Courage - 3/10
Windmill Woes - 2/10
Quacking Quandary - 1/10
The Stinking Delivery - 3/10

Overall Rating (So far): 

Tuesday, 18 February 2025

All Engines Go! Review - S4 Ep.5 - Quacking Quandary


Written by
Peter Gaffney

Directed by
Campbell Bryer 

Produced by
Suzie Gallo

Air Date
31/01/25 - UK

When Diesel hears a strange noise that sounds like a swamp monster, he gets too scared to pull deliveries through the area. Bruno and Percy must help conquer his fear.

You think maybe after four seasons and a few specials that maybe Diesel could at least have some character development after dealing with things he thought were monsters? This is one of the problems that I have with this iteration of Thomas. When you have a restricted cast there's never really much variety and its sad because we had two episodes so far this season where they use different characters instead of just using Thomas, Percy, Kana, Diesel, Carly, Sandy and Nia for the umpteenth time. Why not use Ashima? We never really see her getting scared of anything, sure it might end up being the same but at least they're using someone different and add some extra character to there personality. 

I thought, at least, that Diesel might show a wee change with him not being scared but as soon as he reached the swamp with the troublesome trucks when he heard the noise the second time, since it had been four seasons, but that little bit of hope was gone because Diesel was once again hiding his fear. 

Character development is never really much of a thing in this show? I know that the original series had its fair share of inconsistency from time to time but at least, at times, they kept it in tact for a bit. Look at Percy in S19, he was hardly the same character that he was before prior to Tale of the Brave in 2014 before they'd reused his scaredy persona from Journey Beyond Sodor in 2017. James had some development too in S20 until Apology Impossible came into existence in 2018. Henry had some development too in S19 and it showed in S20 until he'd moved from Tidmouth sheds and was no longer part of the main cast. The original series at least tried to be consistent but know that they would have to break them in order to make stories for that particular character or maybe they just forgot about it.  

Here it just seems to be forgotten, its almost like the Miller/Barlow era where the characters learn their lesson in one episode and then forgot about it maybe the next episode or two. The show had some consistency but it's really rare to see that, I only know two episodes that had that from the top of my mind which were 'Thomas and Percy's Eggsellent Adventure' and 'Goodbye Ghost Scaring Machine' with Percy saying that he's 'grown up' and that the machine was from the episode 'Ghost Train' and both of those were from its first season! 

I remember the storyboards for this episode were leaked online sometime in September last year and people were kind of freaked out that Diesel showcased his mechanical heart, which to me is a weird and some I find a bit uncomfortable with. They didn't really have to show it, you never saw Thomas in 'The Great Race' showing his heart when he and Ashima were singing in the movie about being yourself. Why not have Diesel blowing his smoke to create a heart? Anyway, the song is just another meh morally forced song and I think it would've worked for the ending instead of the middle of it all. 

The only reason Percy was 'stuck' in the pond was just so Diesel can come and help get Percy out but it's also very unnecessary. You can at least have Percy cry for help while staying on the rails without the need of him falling into the swamp. Diesel would still at least try and show his bravery against the swamp monster! I also hate, and this is common in the show itself, how an engine gets stuck when they have the power to move by themselves. Percy had gotten 'stuck' but a few seconds after Diesel's attempt at saving him, Percy can turn 360 without any trouble at all. I know this seems like a nitpick but you can also have Percy talking to Diesel without the need of moving him. Sure it was done to give the final pay off of making Percy the swamp monster but you can still do it with him on the rails and its possible to do it with the cartoon logic that show has.

  Overall, this was a terrible episode. A typical Diesel is scared of something episode without showing of his growth whatsoever with very pointless creative decisions alongside that could've been tweaked before being animated. You can show Diesel with his character growth and still have him being scared and trying to fight it. Why not showcase him trying to prove to everyone that he's not scared anymore instead of him acting all boastful and cool? Just show him that he had at least grown?  

So far this was the worst episode of the show's fourth season. 

Series Rating (So far):
Sheep Stampede - 6/10
The Berry Best - 3/10
Creepy Crawly Courage - 3/10
Windmill Woes - 2/10
Quacking Quandary - 1/10

Overall Rating (So far): 

Monday, 17 February 2025

All Engines Go! Review - S4 Ep.4 - Windmill Woes


Written by
Brent Piaskoski

Directed by
Campbell Bryer 

Produced by
Suzie Gallo

Air Date
30/01/25 - UK

After Thomas, Percy and Diesel accidentally break a windmill, they all tell Gordon different versions of what happened. Can Gordon uncover the truth?

Another meh episode. Personally I think the episode could've start with Thomas, Percy and Diesel at the site of the broken windmill arguing about who was to blame instead of having them racing and showing us what had happened. Sure it was for set up but I just hate that they do that because it felt like it dragged on with the three characters retelling their version of the same story. It felt like the Missing Crane episode from S2 where we see what happened to Carly instead of keeping things a mystery, keeping things a mystery adds more excitement of what the reveal was going to be but here it just feels boring. 

Perhaps to fill in time, Thomas, Percy and Diesel were trying to tell Gordon the truth but they were so cross with each other that they don't want to speak to each other and that maybe Gordon was trying to get words out of them about the whole incident and then piece the story together. It would add some conflict to the story between the characters. All in all it could've been better.  

Series Rating (So far):
Sheep Stampede - 6/10
The Berry Best - 3/10
Creepy Crawly Courage - 3/10
Windmill Woes - 2/10

Overall Rating (So far): 

Sunday, 16 February 2025

All Engines Go! Review - S4 Ep.3 - Creepy Crawly Courage


Written by
Sam Bissonnette

Directed by
Campbell Bryer 

Produced by
Suzie Gallo

Air Date
29/01/25 - UK

Yong Bao's fear of creepy crawlies and Carly's disgust for skunks complicate their apple delivery to the Harvest Festival.

I think it's a shame Yong Bao hadn't been fleshed out in the Big World Big Adventures era of the original series run because I think it was a nice personality trait that he has a fear of bugs, if BWBA was at least given a further chance by Mattel maybe Yong Bao would've been an interesting character and likely we would've had an episode of him fearing something, despite being called brave and a hero and it was also nice to see some continuity with Carly with her interest in bugs from the Bubbly special, the show may have inconsistent writing but it at least respects its own continuity, at times. Although I have the feeling that the 'All Engines Go!' title is now becoming a catchphrase for all the characters in every episode, we had it in the second episode, don't know about the first one though as I can't really remember everything about it from the top of my head. 

As for the episode itself it was another meh one. What could've been done to make the episode better, in my opinion, if Yong Bao and Carly were having a heated argument on what is better bugs or fuzzy animals that it resulted their friendship to end until they realise one another's perspective on why they don't like bugs or skunks when seeing something of a creature they like but not a particular one, it would at least make the song's inclusion a bit stronger with how they express liking the true side of each other.  

Just throughout the episode it was nothing more but the two characters just rolling along the line with the three strike formula to build up the climax which was Yong Bao running around from a spider's web with some gags involving apples to fill up the run time and telling the audience the message of the story.

While I like that Yong Bao had some character and that Carly's love for bugs was still intact as well the fact that we're having stories where it's not always restricted to the core cast of characters, the episode was not that great or entertaining to sit through, it was a boring meh fest that could've had some tweaks to make it a bit more interesting.

Series Rating (So far):
Sheep Stampede - 6/10
The Berry Best - 3/10
Creepy Crawly Courage - 3/10

Overall Rating (So far): 

Saturday, 15 February 2025

All Engines Go! Review - S4 Ep.2 - The Berry Best


Written by
Lexie Kahanovitz

Directed by
Campbell Bryer 

Produced by
Suzie Gallo

Air Date
28/01/25 - UK

Thomas goes too far when taking 'just a few' strawberries again and again uses up all the fruit in Farmer McColl's field.

So the show FINALLY have some self awareness that Percy's puns were never funny at all, until the end of this episode, shame it took them to their very likely last season to get that because in the last three seasons they were really trying to make them funny. 

Still, I think it's another example of the show's inconsistency with its writing that Diesel says they were engines and they can't make something like Strawberry soap scent and yet in the past they could be seen making an obstacle course, art made from scrap and so on. You could have Diesel saying 'How can we make Strawberry soap scent? There aren't any strawberries here!' and you can still go forth with the same transition. Diesel's line felt like Thomas' line when he said he can't plough through fields or swim, when literally in past episodes of this show he can. 

Also how did they use all the strawberries up when Sandy used one to make the scent? Sure it was done for the sake of plot so that Thomas and Sandy can go back to Farmer McColl's farm to collect more strawberries but it can still work without the need of the inconsistency. Just have Thomas and Sandy using the whole truckload up and then they go back for more. It will still have the same outcome as shown in the episode. Maybe have Terence telling them no because Farmer McColl needs them but Thomas and Sandy still takes them anyway because they might think the strawberries would grow back, sure that sounds dumb but this is 'All Engines Go!' they are suppose to be dumb for the sake of plot. 

Also, the animation was inconsistent too with Thomas, Percy and Diesel being covered in mud in one scene but then later they weren't. Sure it may've come off offscreen but it was kind of implied that it was sticky, this is just a nitpick but I just wanted to point it out. 

The episode is nothing special, its comedy with Diesel going through disguises was meh and it just feels ordinary. Improvements could've been made to make it feel consistent instead of just making reasons for the sake of plot because they didn't need to do it. It could've been better if the story focused on James wanting to be cleaned but every time he gets cleaned he's given another dirty job which results to him getting cleaned at the train wash and that it creates the dilemma of wasting the strawberries for the scent. I think that would be way better use instead of using Diesel.  

Series Rating (So far):
Sheep Stampede - 6/10
The Berry Best - 3/10

Overall Rating (So far): 

Friday, 14 February 2025

All Engines Go! Review - S4 Ep.1 - Sheep Stampede

Welcome to the first post of 2025, the 80th anniversary year of The Railway Series books. After, what is to me, a dismal Season 3 and a very boring Christmas special alongside that could've been an 11 minute episode, we are now at the fourth season of All Engines Go! The only thing new to this season is that Duck and Douglas will be making an appearance, though like with any legacy character that makes their debut they'll just likely show up, have some dialogue and then afterwards they have a cameo here and there and then they are completely forgotten about unless they have some kind of importance in another episode for whatever reason. But apart from those two, nothing else too new or exciting, as if anything AEG related is that exciting. 

One thing I would like to point out though is that, as of this post, we haven't got any news about the show's renewal for a fifth and sixth season. In October 2022, Mattel announced S3 and 4 and Corus Entertainment's '2023/24 speciality releases' press release mentioned this season in June 2023. But yet in June 2024, for their 2024/25 slate of announcements, they would've announced S5 but there was no mention of Thomas anywhere and surely we would've gotten news by now of a renewal, right?

Now I heard from TheGermanofSodor through Discord that Mattel had told the people at Nelvana that All Engines Go! is a 'success' and they had also mentioned things like ratings or the Christmas special being placed at number 2 on Netflix US. No disrespect to TheGermanofSodor, but if this was such a success, for Mattel's case, wouldn't their also be a big demand of the toys to sell? How come there is so little at various shops? 

The ones that I had been to have stock that goes back to the Thomas, Sandy and Kana variants from 'The Mystery of Lookout Mountain' special from 2022, which by the way is something that I'd discovered recently thanks to the wiki. Great packaging and awareness Mattel, I never realised that it was from that thanks to your wonderful blunder of not putting the logo there to spread actual awareness that such special existed or that it was related to it instead of just being another pointless variant! 

But I digress. While some new engines and some new sets have been released, they are hardly restocked after they're gone. I remember seeing the AEG version of Toby once at a Big W when I went shopping most likely around 2023? But after it had been sold, I had hardly seen any of it being restocked. 

The reason why I have such strong doubts that AEG was a success at all is because Mattel had said the same thing in the past for Big World, Big Adventures but toy sale numbers told us different and this is the same company that says that the change up for BWBA saw a 40% increase in TV ratings in 2018 but yet that era of the show lasted until 2020 and very likely because the toy sales had not been strong and you can see that through quarterly earnings between 2019-2020, I don't count the 2018 ones because BWBA started around their third quarter and the numbers for the fourth usually tallies up the whole year. Q4 of 2020 as well as Q1-2 of 2021 showcased good numbers likely due to COVID-19 and the lockdowns but sadly it didn't last long in the aftermath. 

Big World, Big Adventures had good reception when it came onto Netflix US in early 2020, through the sources of Sodor Island Fansite (SiF), but yet the original show was still canned at the time. 

My point is this, Mattel is a TOY company with other interests, particularly media, and while those other interests may see good figures, they would very likely care only about toy sales. Looking at various stores here in Australia and during my occasional visits to the United States, I don't think this reimagining of Thomas had seen so much success. While there had been an increase in sales between 2021 until the second quarter of 2022, though I think MAYBE there had been some toys from the original series still being sold in 2021, things had started to decrease for Fisher Price, the umbrella that Thomas toys are under, from Q3 of 2022, and things hadn't look too handsome since then. 

Since it's very likely that S4 of AEG will be the end of the show, I will give my overall view of it as a whole when I'd finish reviewing all 26 episodes. I will, as usual, look over the special as well though as of writing this piece, we don't know what the special will be all about yet.

So enough rambling, here are my views of S4A but first, the usual:


Written by
Kristen Mcgregor

Directed by
Campbell Bryer 

Produced by
Suzie Gallo

Air Date
27/01/25 - UK

Diesel tells Nia that using her special whistle to find Farmer McColl's sheep isn't fair. So she tries not to use it, even though it is the only thing that can save the delivery.

Like S3's opener, this was another decent one but a bit better than S3's opening episode. Not great or special but decent. The set up was OK with Nia showcasing her sheep whistle and adds a little bit of personality to her which is doing impressions of things like Thomas' whistles, a duck's quack and sheep, though AEG never really does much with the character's quirks for more stories and would usually be more ordinary and boring. Like I do see Nia's impression of things used for other stories like maybe one of the engines have a broken whistle and need to make deliveries so Nia offers into help, don't know what the message would be but with this very likely to be the last season of the iteration for good not much you can do about it now. 

The montage of the lost sheep, though done for the purpose of comedy, was good too as it eases the pacing creating more set up for the story and doesn't make it look like pointless filler. The dynamic between Nia and Diesel was nice to see as well and a bit refreshing to see these two interacting because this could've been another Thomas and Diesel being competitive story and from looking at the episode a second time, it could've easily been one but I'm glad it wasn't, though I believe we will get another one of those sometime this season because this show doesn't have much variety, much like its toy line.

I still think the show could've displayed its morals without the need of stating it because I do believe kids know the message without being told what it is because there are kids who are sharp minded than what people give them credit for. The episode also had a song and while it did feel part of the story, I still think they work better without them but Mattel needs them to make a mandated music album that they might, hardly, advertised on their social media pages. You could at least have Nia going around collecting sheep with her sheep whistle and that's it. The songs are just morally forced because they need to tell the child what the lesson is. 

So despite that, this episode was decent but I'm not going to remain hopeful that this season will be good. 

Series Rating (So far):
Sheep Stampede - 6/10

Overall Rating (So far): 