Friday 3 May 2024

All Engines Go! Review - S3 Ep.3 - Abraca-Diesel


Written by
Peter Gaffeny

Directed by
Campbell Bryer 

Produced by
Suzie Gallo

Air Date
10/02/24 - CAN
7/03/24 - US

After his magic trick goes wrong, Diesel learns a greater power: friendship.

I think what could've been better for this episode to make it more engaging is if you let Diesel and Sandy have an argument that resulted in her 'disappearance'. Perhaps Sandy wanted to be the magician but Diesel refused because he wanted to do it which would result in Sandy tricking him and sneaking away to make Diesel look bad only for her to realise that she had been a 'bad friend' because she made Diesel worried and over something silly. You can also have Diesel to learn his lesson that he was also bad for not letting Sandy being the magician which results in them having them being not in right over their behaviour. However the end result for this episode lacks that. There was nothing that made me feel sorry for Diesel when Sandy was helping James and Carly. The episode was bad.

You had 'Letting off Steam' from the first season that showcased Thomas and Percy getting into an argument and there wasn't even a peep from anybody, to my knowledge, who were aghast at two best friends having an argument. It happens in real life for kids, are some of the writers afraid that it might be the case of bad influence or something? A story without any conflict between characters is just dry, bland and tasteless. 

The song is just the usual. A generic song with friendship slapped all over it that has little to do with whatever the episode was trying to say. Its lyrics are just so bland and the song was just not needed for the story. 

Series Rating:
What's the Buzz - 4.5/10
Bells are Ringing - 4/10
Abraca-Diesel - 2/10

Overall Rating (So far):