Thursday 28 May 2020

DVD Review: The Royal Engine

We've just celebrated the 75th anniversary on May 12th with the 75th anniversary episode 'Thomas & The Royal Engine' and now we have it on DVD. So here are my views on it, but first:


Written by
Micheal White
Camille Ucan & Rose Johnson
Davey Moore
Beckey Overton

Thomas & The Royal Engine
Heart of Gold
Crowning Around
Diesel Glows Away
Emily to the Rescue

Directed by
Joey So: 
Thomas & The Royal Engine

Dianna Basso:
Heart of Gold
Crowning Around
Diesel Glows Away
Emily to the Rescue

Produced by
Ian McCue (HIT/Mattel)
Tracy Blagdon (Jam Filled)

Special Features
Party Train - Music Video
Duchess - Meet the Characters

Release Date
4/05/20 - UK
10/06/20 - AUS

Distributed by
HIT/Mattel Creations - UK
HIT/Mattel/ABC Kids Australia - AUS


The episodes consist two S24 episodes and three S23 episodes. You can read my views of the episode titles above, 'Emily to The Rescue' will be out after its TV run. But I would point out some differences that the DVD gave. The Royal Engine special had cut out Prince Harry's message that was shown on television in the UK and Australia and on Netflix in the US. It really felt as a surprise to me but it kinda makes Thomas' narration less akward compare to what we got in broadcast version with Prince Harry 'narrating' it. The other surprise was that 'Engine Roll Call' had been replaced with 'The Steam Team Song' that was released in 2019. To be honest, the latter feels more like Engine Roll Call anyway so it really doesn't make any difference but it brings a nice change after years of hearing the former. Plus it feels more fresh compare to what we got in 2018 where the vocals changed from the chior that sung the song from S8-12 and then to additional kids that sang the verses for Nia and Rebecca. Plus it makes the song less dated compare to Roll Call when you have a lyric for Rebecca saying, 'She's new and lots of fun'. When she really isn't that new anymore compare to when she was in 2018. So I'm fine with the new addition, although I think they should find a way to edit it shorter instead of ending it abruptly. I also like the addition of 'Crowning Around' and 'Heart of Gold' since they both share the same theme as the DVD.


One thing that surprised me about 'Party Train' was that they got Sam Blewitt back to do the vocals and I'm so glad that it wasn't another Eggplant LF song, as I was expecting maybe more like a rap or pop styled song but it was a nice reggae vibe kind of song. The last time Sam sang for Thomas was back in 2015 for Lost Treasure and that was 'We Make A Team Together'. The song really gave me that vibe of what we got back then and I do like the new animation that Jam Filled had provided for the video and I also liked the diversity of some clips from past episodes and specials and the recreated JBS clip of Thomas puffing past the animals too. Hopefully whenever the hiatus ends we see more of Sam in upcoming songs.

We got another 'Meet the Characters' video which is pretty simple since it's all about Duchess and Thomas recounting his interaction with her from the 75th anniversary episode. Nothing bad and it adds a little touch to the whole themeing of the DVD.

I think the DVD was good despite the lack of special features but the two surprising additions like the cutting of Prince Harry's 75th anniversary message and 'The Steam Team Song' replacing 'Engine Roll Call' were something that makes it a bit unique, for the time being for the latter.

This might be my only DVD review for the time being, what with no new UK DVDs being revealed yet and more likely because of the COVID-19 pandemic that we're in right now. I know that were was suppose to be a 'Thomas & The Magic Railroad' Blu-Ray coming out from Shout! for its 20th anniversary, but had been pulled from its release schedule more likely due to the pandemic, but I won't be reviewing that whenever it comes out, because if you really want to see me bad mouthing it again for how terrible it was then you're more than welcomed to read my 2014 review of it. I know about the workprint leak too and condem the person responsible for uploading it for violating the wishes of the owner of the said tape and for former owner of Thomas, Britt Allcroft who wants it to be taken down. I will admit I had seen it but I will not be sharing it. Would I review it? Only time will tell and while I do not approve of there wishes being violated I will say truthfully that like George Lucas who'd wished he finds every copy of the infamous 'Star Wars Holiday Special' and smash it, once it's on the internet it's on the internet. It sucks and I'm sorry if this brings down some fans of the movie but it's hard to stop people from having a downloaded copy, unless, and from what I heard, Mattel's or Sony's lawyers do something about it.

I know that there are compilation DVDs from Universal, and one was released recently of the past movies for the 75th anniversary, but they are compilation DVDs. They add nothing new and I don't see that much value in having them when you can purchase the DVDs seperatley cheaper. Sure they add more space and there are parents out there who will give there kids a good amount of entertainment, but I much prefer getting them indivually seening as how there's more value in them.

And I do know that the S21 collection DVD has yet to be announced but I think it's delayed because of the global pandemic we are in. But whenever that is announced and released I will surely be reviewing it as well as the 'Marvellous Machineary' DVD since it was advertised on this DVD. There is a Japanese DVD I'm getting in the mail so maybe I might review that, depends how I feel. I hadn't reviewed one since 2013.
