Friday 10 April 2020

Classic Series Review Revisited - Series 6 (2002)


Written by
Robin Kingsland
Jonathan Trueman
Paul Larson
David Mitton
Sam Nicolson 
Phil Ferhle
Abi Grant
James Mason
Brian Trueman
Robyn Charteris
Jenny McDade
Ross Hastings


I think this episode could've been improved a bit more with its story. It was a nice story but I think the writer had some trouble on focusing on whatever plot. One was about Salty missing the sea and later on it teaching the twins his secret with the trucks, perhaps for the sake of the title and maybe with a longer running time, it should've been about Bill and Ben delaying work because of their mishandling of trucks. Mavis usually helps them out but she was away at the works and that was Salty's reason to be at the quarry, to look after the twins and the work. Bill and Ben think they don't need any help since they know all about trucks. But they are still mishandling them and Salty left them to it and dealt with his own work but the way he had handled the trucks made the twins jealous. The twins think he had it easy but they are still mishandling them until they sallowed their own pride and asked Salty for help and he taught them his secret. I mean sure you have Salty missing the sea being cut out, but with the way he was in the story he pretty much just dealt with not being near the sea and put his own usefulness first before his intrests, which was a good message from this episode. I think the episode is good but it could've been improved to work better on its focus.

Rating: 7/10

Honestly, there's not much I can say about this episode other than that it was a very good episode. It had a nice moral that we all have something that others don't have. Harvey had some good character devlopment from him being underconfident about his looks after what the other engines had said and I liked that Harvey had proved his worth, although maybe the plot could've been better if say all the cranes are gone because they were needed for repairs or were used for something else and Harvey was the only one who can save Percy but other than that, it was still a very good episode.

Rating: 9/10 

I kinda like the reason on why Cranky the crane is always cranky. It kind of did better than 'Cranky Bugs' to be honest. I did nitpick that it doesn't make sense to have Cranky working all day and night but if we have that then there's no point of the story. Some people may not have like the Fat Controller in this period, I'm referencing the 'journalists' who thinks he's the stalin of Sodor, but I think the Fat Controller being hard on Cranky is very understandable coming from his part, the docks is where all trade from the outside world comes in and having the railway blocked due to someone's negligence because they had a lack of sleep, would stop all goods from being transffered. Perhaps if the story was more about Cranky wanting to be useful by working 24/7 straight and that his lack of sleep is the cause of his negligence later on, it would serve the moral that sleep is important as well as being useful. In the end the episode was alright but I think it could've been better.

Rating: 6/10

I think the title should've been renamed. There was never any bad day for Harold when its more of him being cocky and very proud, just like what he was in the second series. I like how they kept the chemistry between Percy and Harold by showing them as friendly rivals. The story was alright in the end but I think there should've been a better title, like maybe 'Cocky Harold' or 'Pride Before A Fall'.

Rating: 7/10 

I think if the episodes were given longer time limits, perhaps they would've been more Elizabeth and her friendship with the Fat Controller. I find that as interesting, perhaps if they had cut back on Thomas enjoying taking specials, maybe we could've seen the Fat Controller looking at a picture of Elizabeth and wondered where could she be and maybe a little flashback too and then Thomas had his accident and they found Elizabeth in a shed. It would serve the ending much more better in my opinion because it felt out of nowhere to be honest. In the end, the episode was OK but I think a rewrite here and there could've made the episode a bit more better.

Rating: 5/10

This episode shows that new technology means well but they are not always great all the time and sometimes you don't need to replace what's not broken. Plus it was nice to show a bit of railway safety too with the likes of detonators. In the end the episode was very good.

Rating: 9/10

It's a shame that they didn't take off with the spin-off series they had in mind for this, despite the next few episodes that came along after this four years later due to money problems to fund the thing. But despite of that, this was a great episode. I love how the way they introduce the characters while showcasing Jack's overegarness to work. It also had a good message that safety comes first and that we shouldn't jump into others despite that it's good you're showing an interest in helping someone.

Rating: 10/10 

I love the smooth transition of Jack's face from his happiness to worry, great editing there. I also like how they introduce Ned and how his introduction sort of set as a sign of things to come later on in the episode. It was also good to see some character development towards Jack with him learning everything and getting better all the time. The episode also had a good moral of helping your friends when there's trouble as showcased with Jack saving Thomas. These two episodes are still great for all to watch. As for the Thomas model, I really don't see any trouble with it at all, the face I think was OK but could've done with some tweaks.

Rating: 10/10

Yeah the term 'winter holidays' is mentioned in this episode and looking back at this episode, I bet it was mentioned as something more seasonal and not to replace the word 'Christmas' because some people in this world think we can't say it anymore due to offending other cultures despite the fact that the word 'Christmas' can still be said and be shown everywhere in public. Anyway, I think the message was to showcase determination but the whole premise was just your average Thomas hates his snowplough storyline. I don't hate this episode but it just feels meh and it kinda goes against what was shown in series 1. Sure it was focused on Terence but it also showed why snowploughs are important too.

Rating: 4/10 

I think one problem with having Donald and Douglas as main characters in an episode is that there stories could easily work with Bill and Ben, since they were established as hot headed twins. When I was a kid back when this episode was new, I thought this episode was going to be about them but was surprised that it was the scottish twins. Plus the episode does seem almost similar to 'One Good Turn' from the third series, some elements like the twins arguing who was to blame of their incident and then later on they were brought back together in the end over something. But there was some originality like the twins seperating apart and realising that they can't live without the other. But this is why I'm OK with them being secondary characters. Not every character like the scottish twins need a story for the sake of having one and that applies for them being in the series now. Anyway the story was nice but not my favourite of series 6.

Rating: 4/10 

I like the message that showing off can lead to trouble but why can't they go with Diesel shunting too many trucks that it wore out his engine and he broke down instead? Sure it's a cliche in Thomas but I think it works better than having Diesel not pulling the trucks properly, I mean the whole scene of him dealing with his trucks is just a retread of 'Pop Goes The Diesel'. Plus with BoCo's model being redone for series 6 and since this story might've been based on a 1997 magazine story, why not use BoCo? I think it would add variety and I think the plot would've been a bit more better than what this episode gave us. It's not bad but it was another meh in my books.

Rating: 4/10

This story is 'Ghost Train' but with Percy being scared instead. But for most of the story, it's Thomas being arrogant and cheeky that he wasn't scared until he dealt with it on his own. Sure it's the usual tale that have been done in plenty of media over the years. But yeah story retread is story retread. I will say this the dark atmosphere is great, I keep praising that alot in episodes like these. Maybe I just like that kind of stuff because there was effort put into it.

Rating: 3/10 

Honestly this was more original than 'Scaredy Engines'. The whole situation Percy was in was just comical and it just shows that not everything is scary when you understand the context.

Rating: 8/10

The episode was fine but the scene with Percy being on the tipper's loading ramp I think should've been replaced with maybe have a scene of James teasing him, yeah it was shown in the episode but I think it would've been better to expad it more and have Percy taking his anger out on them because he was a middle engine which got him into trouble by the Fat Controller and then it served with James' karma of being the middle engine. The episode was alright but I think the tipper scene was added in as filler because they need it to fill time.

Rating: 4/10

To me this is one of the purest episodes to sit through. It was peaceful and wonderful with the music and the hot air balloon floating around and it really makes you forget your troubles away. It was also original despite taking one element out from a Christopher Awdry book, but I quite like that something like air travel can be seen as a threat to the island's engines and they would do something like that again in four seasons later. But to be this episode was nice, relaxing and peaceful and one of my personal favourite episodes.

Rating: 10/10

There was really nothing bad about this episode, though I won't call it a favourite. Although maybe they could've gone with Thomas after his teasing with Percy but then again I think that would be another rehash of 'Ghost Train' and 'Scaredy Engine'.

Rating: 5/10

Another story about showing off and I think this was more original than the world strongest episode in terms of story but at the same it is just another arrogant Gordon episode. But at this point in time, I think the writers were more focused on 'what shenanigans are the engines up to today' instead of devloping them and I think it works that way because if you develop them and keep the show running long after you have finished their story arc, chances are it's going to be rebooted again. It is what it is really. It was an alright episode in the end and I do love Salty's teasing towards Gordon too.

Rating: 6/10

I liked this episode with its moral about cleanliness and it works through a railway point of view. It's better to be useful then trying to stay clean. The crash I will say was memorable in my view although I wish they'd mentioned something about the factory workers after the crash. But in the end, it was a nice episode.

Rating: 9/10

This is 'Twin Trouble' but with Bill and Ben this time only it was more about Bill being jealous about Ben getting new buffers. But climax of the episode with Bill crashing into some buffers is pretty much the same as the Donald and Douglas. I also didn't like how they gave Ben new gold buffers only to give him black ones in another episode. There was nothing seriously wrong with the episode though. I like the comedy touches and all but in the end it was meh.

Rating: 3/10

I like the message that desperate times calls for desperate measures. Toby was willing to cross his old branch line, although I don't know why I think the writer might've mistaken his old line from series 1 as a line on Sodor, to bring a vet to help the sheep and his lambs and also that it's good to help those in need. It was a nice episode. 

Rating: 9/10

I think there should've been a title change since Percy barely had much time in the episode. But despite that this story was comedic with Alicia Botti and the mice although I've always wondered why they change the 'peasent' dialouge in the US dub? Surely it couldn't be an offensive term over there? I mean Gordon had used it as a sneer towards Percy but it was mainly used for comedic purposes with Percy mistaken it as 'pleasent'. Anyway it was a nice story with some good little comedy within it as well.

Rating: 7/10

I think what I like about this episode is that despite the suspension of disbelief, it was actually fun and it had a good message that there are some things faster than the other. Which is good for Gordon to learn from as well. Anyway it was a fun episode with craziness but of course for the railway folk out there it is still unrealistic. But even as a railway enthusiast like myself I come to terms that realism isn't THE point for Thomas, plus if you want to teach people about railway accuracy, why not recommend them to a heritage railway? Thomas can't be the only thing when it comes to railways.

Rating: 7/10

As much as I like this episode, it's just another 'Edward proves his worth' story and an episode where Gordon learns his lesson after being rude to Edward. The story is basically that and nothing else. Sure it was nice, but Edward was more of a plot device in this episode and that was it. It's good but it's just not interesting and it feels a little bit like a mandated episode for the sake of Edward with maybe some elements of 'Super Rescue' into the mix. To be honest, this is why I'm OK with him being out of the 'steam team' cast because he can't hold a story on his own and most of the plot that he does have him are either him proving his worth for being old.

Rating: 4/10

The episode's message about patients and always listen to other was good especially for a character like Duncan because if you don't you'll end up in trouble. I do like the set of the incline, it feels like something from a garden model railway or a model village. It's an average episode but wasn't bad in my opinion.

Rating: 6/10

I think it's odd that the Fat Controller would close down a line. I mean in the past he had saved some engines from scrap and in the Oliver book he said 'we reopen branches.' I just seems out of character of him. I will admit though Awdry had stated, in the Railway Series canon, that he did scrap engines before, particulary the coffee pot engines. If you don't believe me, try reading it yourself since there is a PDF file of it lying around on the world wide web. Anyway the episode was a bit odd but it has a nice message about not to give up and always ask for help. 

Rating: 4/10

This story is pretty much 'Mike's Whistle' but with Duncan instead. It did provide a good message on why whistles are important for an engine in the end. I like it if they've intentionally done but another part of me wishes that they had gone with something original, maybe another Christmas story to end the series or something. I don't hate this story but since at this time they weren't bothered with adapting anymore of Awdry's stories why did they bother with this? I just feel a bit mixed by this.

Rating: 5/10 

I'll be honest, I think series 6 was a total mixed bag with the way they'd handled the stories but I like it that they were focusing on the characters more whereas unlike S5 it was more focused towards the action and crashes, at least in my point of view. As I've mentioned before in some episode reviews, the stories I feel have a bit of unoriginality in some of them. They've reused some old plot ideas and place it in a new package and some stories I feel could've worked for some other characters. I mean 'Twin Trouble' to me is a Bill and Ben story through and through as Donald and Douglas do act like them when they are hot headed.

The setting was nice, I do like the countryside although the setting isn't as good as compare to the last few series. From the way David Mitton said in his SiF interview, they had shrinking budgets so maybe countryside sets are more cheaper to build and reassemble.

As for the narration, look I like Alec Baldwin but I think he had done a poor job in this series. One person had told me that he had gone through a messy divorce with Kim Basinger as well as fighting a seven year battle with his ex-wife for his rights to see his own daughter at the time and I think maybe that is why his narration was rather poor. So if it is that I can forgive him for that considering how much of a mess he was going through in personal life. Micheal Angelis though was still great with some good energy and enthusiam.

So yeah, I think S6 is underrated but it's not really a perfect series in the end.
