Thursday 9 May 2024

All Engines Go! Review - S3 Ep.9 - Percy's Little Problem


Written by
Noelle Wright

Directed by
Campbell Bryer 

Produced by
Suzie Gallo

Air Date
2/03/24 - CAN
7/03/24 - US

Percy starts leaking oil, but he's too nervous to ask for help; soon, the engine must decide between getting repairs and finishing his deliveries.

I know I sound like a broken record here when it comes to the redundant songs but it was redundant. Percy could easily just spoken some dialouge about whether he should take care of him or focus on his mail run. Why do they need songs in some episodes? Most of them so far this season are bland and forgettable and just worth skipping through. I don't know if any kid enjoy these songs but I doubt some would be enjoying them, but that's just me saying it. The songs during the show feel like they want to hammer down on what is going on or what the message of the story is because they think kids won't digest it and I'm not blaming the writers for it because they're doing a job, I would put it towards the higher ups at Mattel. 

It's not just the songs that state the obvivous with the moral of the story, the writing does it as well. Do we need the characters to state the moral to us when we'd already seen the episode for ourselves? I'm sure after the many oil leaks Percy had been having during the episode, kids have gotten the message about taking care of yourself, but oh no it needs to be stated because it needs too. It had been a habit during the original series too, though at least they never hammered it down like AEG.  

'The Fastest Red Engine on Sodor' is better at this as it had better build up to run the message home and although the Fat Controller had stated the moral of the story to James, it didn't feel as hammered down because it was stated once and not throughout the episode. 

I know Sandy saying she would fix the broken oil valve as long as Percy doesn't take too long to wait but why not have her fix it and then later the oil leak starts up again, I know she'd oiled up Percy later in the episode as temporary but that whole thing makes no sense. The former wouldn't make much different but it would at least be a bit more logical than whatever the episode was trying to do. 

This episode was not good. Plus the oil slip on Lookout Mountain, uneeded filler when by now most people would've gotten the message on what would happen when you don't care of yourself. You could at least have Percy staying in the shed, gotten bored and did his deliveries anyway until he realises what would happen when he doesn't take care of himself. 

Series Rating:
What's the Buzz - 4.5/10
Bells are Ringing - 4/10
Abraca-Diesel - 2/10
Overcommitted - 2.5/10
Sandy's Fine Mess - 4/10
Nia's Green Surprise - 3/10
Duck Duck Whoosh! - 1/10
Choo-Choo Check In - 5/10
Percy's Little Problem - 3/10

Overall Rating (So far):