Friday 17 November 2023

All Engines Go! Reveiw - S2 Ep.11 - Brand New Track



Written by
Peter Gaffney

Directed by
Campbell Bryer

Produced by
Suzie Gallo

Air Date
16/10/22 - CAN
14/11/22 - USA
30/01/23 - UK
16/02/23 - AUS

Thomas and Percy explore a brand-new track the evening before the route is opened. Everything seems new and exciting, and even a night spent stuck in the mud turns into a wonderful experience.

This might sound crazy but Thomas in this episode feels like Awdry's words on Thomas' popularity through a news interview during the 1990's which were: 'Thomas is the eternal child! Thomas is given a prohibition; naturally, as all children do when they're told not to do something, they want to know why and they find out why by doing it.' This isn't to say that the writers took on Awdry's words and went with it but with Thomas being curious about what lies beyond the new rails is something and I love it. Heck Thomas complaining how the line leading to Cronk was all the same and nothing new happens alludes to Thomas being bored of being in the yards and want to see the world, the rest of Sodor, as showcased in the original series. It feels nice to see this. 

Though it felt cheap that Carly told them that there wasn't anything new as the new line links to the one near Cronk when Thomas and Percy saw things that they hadn't seen previously like the waterfall and all though I do wish they had added something new instead of making things looking the same and also Sandy and Carly scolded them for crossing the new track, despite it being unfinished I wish that it was so light like a slap on the wrist. Maybe showcase the two characters being upset that they hadn't listen to them and Thomas and Percy apologise and make up by helping them building the new section of track. 

I will say Thomas' character really felt like his original self and that was the highlight for me but the rest of the episode held itself back to make it better.

Series Rating:
Fast Friends - 1/10
Percy Disappear - 5/10
Ashima's Amazing Arrival - 3/10
Tri-and-a-Half-a-Lon - 3/10
Carly's Magnificant Magnet - 5/10
New Mail Engine In Town - 4/10
Hot Air Percy - 2/10
Carly's Screechy Squeak - 1/10
Shake, Rattle & Bruno - 8/10
Blackout - 2/10
Brand New Track - 5/10

Overall Rating (So far):